Elizaveta Maximová-搜索结果

  • 我是卡尔 Je Suis Karl


    导演:Christian Schwochow   编剧:Thomas Wendrich

    主演:Jannis Niewöhner, Luna Wedler, Elizaveta Maximová

      Somewhere in Berlin. But not just any time, this is here and now. A postman delivers a parcel and, soon afterwards, everything changes. A terrorist attack rocks a family to the core. Maxi – who loses her mother, her brothers and her home – tries to look forward, but is still deeply insecure. Nothing seems to work. Her father Alex is as traumatised as she is. The certainties of ...

  • 2003年抵达亚特兰蒂斯 Atlantis, 2003

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Michal Blasko   编剧:Michal Blasko

    主演:Levan Mania, Elizaveta Maximová, Vladislav Sarisský

      It’s 2003, four years before Slovakia becomes part of the Schengen Area. Today the border with Ukraine is one of Europe’s best guarded, but then it was the playground of smugglers and human traffickers. Martin and Denisija dream of leaving Ukraine for Germany to begin a new life. Crossing the border brings unexpected complications, but the pair are willing to sacrifice a great ...